This series involves ideas about war and peace. Starting as I child I drew
war machines: tanks, jets, gunships, and I have pretty much drawqn them
all of my life. I have been drawing them obsessively
lately. They are a sort of meditation of why we as a nation are so in love
with the idea of war as a solution, so accepting of its costs to us and
the unfortunate
nations who receive our attentions.
Why do little boys play with toy soldiers, play war, and draw war scenes? I am a product of America in the 1950's and this is how I grew up. It is how the people who are in power grew up. I really enjoy drawing these simple war shapes. To me they are cartoony, but in the innocence of these images there is a sinisterness. They are a reminder of how far we have not come. When will we change? To me they are cute, ironic, tragic. I laugh and I cry. Then I paint the next one. I cannot imagine why anyone else would want one on their walls. |
White Oil Cycle
Acrylic, Pencil on Canvas
Green Tank
Acrylic on Canvas
Two White
Acrylic, Pencil, Crayon on Canvas
Faceless with
Cartoon Bomb
Acrylic, Pencil, Pastel on Canvas, 32" x 22"
Acrylic, Pencil, Pastel on Canvas, 32" x 22"
Tank and
Acrylic, Pencil on Paper, 16" x 11"
David Alm
P.O. Box 428
Brookston, IN 47923
Tel: (765) 563-3504